Database Migrator

If you need to copy a database located outside Active24 or under another account, you can use our migrator tool. All you need to do is fill in all necessary details of the original database and new database. Then your request for migrating will be processed and with regards of system load it will be completed between several minutes and few hours depending on server load and size of your database. You can watch the progress in the list of migrations (page requires refresh to update).

If you need to move your database from one hosting to another, you can use the option “Move to different domain/hosting” instead.
You can locate this option in the list of databases after selecting 3 dots. This option is available only for transfers between hosting under your account.

Some hosting providers do not allow access to the database from third party connections. If you want to use our migrator on such database, you may need to allow IP first, if the hosting provider allows it. Migrator IP addresses are: a

Updated on September 10, 2024

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